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"What Are You Protesting About, Dutch Farmers? Haven't You Heard About The Great Reset?"

28 Jul 2022

Agenda 21 is busy at work as Europe sees protests increasing across the continent. Where will this end?

The ongoing farmer protests in Netherlands should only confirm that the Great Reset wheel is gaining momentum.

This article from the BBC 'surprisingly' talks about the reasons why these protests are taking place.

After the lockdowns began to ease in India, the farmers started their protest which went on for over a year across late 2020 - 2021. While the government backed down eventually, we know that it is not over yet and they are busy rewriting the bill.

We saw what happened in Sri Lanka over one year the moment the former Prime Minister banned the use of fertilisers which brought the government down eventually this month.

And now, Netherlands - which is the world’s second largest exporter of agricultural products is in the news with farmers taking to the streets.

The reason for these protests shouldn’t be hard to predict as the preceding protests in India gives us a reference. The specific reason in the Netherlands is the government bringing in new regulations to cut down emissions of nitrogen and ammonia by 50%.

Dutch government proposals for tackling nitrogen emissions indicate a radical 30% cut in livestock, a reduction in intensive farming and the conversion to sustainable "green farms".

It goes back to the central target of these policies - the hard working farmer. They are yet again trying to make us feel guilty and hence imposing such regulations and leaving us without a choice.

Seeing what is happening in the world with inflation, supply chain crises, the staged Ukraine conflict, and the farmers protesting, one can easily see through the remainder of the year and the affect this will have on the 2023 and 2024.

These farmer protests that have started in Netherlands are spreading across Europe. If one can connect the dots, the Third seal in Revelation 6:5 that talks about a famine could very well be the endgame in the future from the way these protests are taking place.

If you are still thinking that all is going to be well and these events will tide over, then you are not awake and not watching because you are caught up in the worries of your life.

Agenda 21 through the U.N. 17 Sustainable Development Goals is at play while you sleep and it is coming after you and only perhaps once it enters your house will you then wake up. It might be just too late, then.


If the current events of the world and the changes taking place are affecting you in many ways but you are indecisive and unable to take a stand, take the first step by believing that these events were already proclaimed in the Bible.

Your hope is in the living God who is in command and who sent His son - Jesus Christ to give you eternal life by dying for your sins. Believe in Him and be at peace and the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom to discern and decide.

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